Boots of Honor – http://www.pawsforreflectionranch.org/military-veteran-programs.html. A free program for veterans and families, partnering with animals to heal mind, body and spirit.
Camp Hope – https://ptsdusa.org/camp-hope/ Opened in 2012 and located in a quiet and safe setting in Houston, Texas whereby veterans and their immediate family members can find healing, help and hope while benefiting from an intensive peer support and mentoring program for Post Traumatic Stress. In addition to temporary housing, Camp Hope offers a 90+ day PTSD recovery program in which residents: attend group lessons and support sessions with other combat veterans; conduct individual mentoring sessions with certified combat trauma mentors; participate in off-site small group interaction activities (fishing, hiking, local activities and events); and get involved with local churches, businesses and volunteer organizations to assist in their personal healing and educating the community on the invisible wounds of war.
Cohen’s Veteran Network – https://www.cohenveteransnetwork.org/ For veterans and families in need of mental health for low to no cost.
Lone Survivor Foundation http://www.lonesurvivorfoundation.org
Lone Survivor Foundation’s Post-Traumatic Growth Program is for service members (both active duty and veterans) from all military branches and service eras, along with their families, who are experiencing symptoms of the following as a result of combat: PTSD, mild Traumatic Brain Injury, Chronic Pain and Caregiver Stress. A formal diagnosis or service-connected disability through the VA is not required. LSF can provide relief, direction and hope to you and your family with a series of five-day Post-traumatic Growth Programs that take place in our facilities in Crystal Beach, TX and Fayetteville, NC. There is no cost to you for our programs or fro transportation to our facilities and we take care of your travel expenses. We use tools that are not typically offered by government programs to focus on relief from the symptoms of invisible wounds. At the end of your program, we will help you decide which tools work the best for you and we will help you make a plan for continued healing once you get home.
Operation Forever Free – www.operationforeverfree.org The mission of Operation Forever Free is to improve the lives of returning servicemen and women in the Dallas/Fort Worth area by providing comfortable, customized homes and living assistance suited to each person’s individual needs.
Operation Purple® Camp – National Military Family Association – https://www.militaryfamily.org/programs/operation-purple/operation-purple-camp/ Operation Purple® Camp offers military kids a free week of camp where they connect with other kids, just like them. Children from all uniformed services, including National Guard, Reserve, Space Force, and the Commissioned Corps of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and United States Public Health Service may apply.
Project Sanctuary – https://projectsanctuary.us/ Project Sanctuary helps military families thrive with six-day, therapeutic retreats and an additional two years of family support services. Their evidenced-based program is the only program that treats the entire family, helping veterans, spouses, caregivers, and kids heal together.
Restore Behavioral Health –https://restorebehavioralhealth.com/treatment/psychotherapy/rbh-veteran-services/ If you or your loved one is struggling as a Veteran, RSB’s mission to help you heal the wounds of trauma so that your future does not have to be a repetition of the past and so that you can find the path toward rejuvenated happiness and purpose.
TBI Warrior Foundation – https://www.tbiwarriorfoundation.org/ To improve the quality of life of veterans, civilians and children living with brain injury and their caregivers, through community integration, education, and advancement programs.
Train a Dog; Save a Warrior – www.tadsaw.org The Mission of Penny’s from Heaven Foundation’s Train a Dog Save a Warrior program is to unite wounded warriors, suffering with PTSD, with homeless, rescue shelter dogs, who are evaluated and deemed viable, to nurture a healing and rejuvenating bond between the two. Located in San Antonio.
Texas Veterans Resources – https://www.texvet.org/ Comprehensive website on veterans and families services in Texas.