Looking for counseling resources for veterans and family members? Our expertly curated collection offers a wealth of information and guidance to obtain support. Take action and click through to discover valuable insights that can help you or a veteran you know.
- Cohen’s Veteran Network – https://www.cohenveteransnetwork.org/ For veterans and families in need of mental health for low to no cost.
- Give An Hour – www.giveanhour.org. A non-profit organization offering FREE mental health resources for military and families affected by the current conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan.
- Healing Household 6 https://healinghousehold6.org/about/ Healing Household 6 is unique in that their focus is the partners/children who are victims of domestic violence. They offer mental health, intervention support and resources. Review their programs for specific information and how to obtain their support.
- Help For Our Heroes – https://helpforourheroes.com/ – Transformations at Mending Fences offers residential & PHP treatment programs for veterans and first responders struggling with primary mental health, trauma, PTSD, addiction, depression, and co-occurring disorders.
- Military One Source – www.militaryonesource.com. This source is a one-stop shop for all branches of the military that includes legal matters, addiction and recovery, readjustment information, immediate counseling and a link to each military branch. They also have a 24/7 phone number at 1-800-342-9647.
- Operation Mend https://www.uclahealth.org/operationmend/intensive-treatment-program Participants in the program will receive the personalized care for which UCLA Operation Mend is known. All care, travel and accommodations are arranged for and provided at no cost to Operation Mend patients and their families. In addition, patients and family members will be picked up at the gate of the airplane upon arrival and transported to and from their hotel and all activities and appointments. Following the onsite three-week program, participants will take part in an additional three weeks of provider-facilitated peer-to-peer support via telehealth to continue refining skills and building community.
- Red Cross – www.redcross.org Go to “Getting Assistance” and click on “Military Families” to find out about the resources that are offered by the red cross with regard to counseling and other social service needs or call 1-877-272-7337.
- Sidran Institute – http://www.sidran.org/ This is a comprehensive website dedicated to trauma recovery. Listed are resources and a help desk that can guide you to therapists or treatment centers that may be appropriate for your needs.
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration. www.samhsa.gov. The United States Department of Health and Human Services special link to mental health resources. Look in left hand menu under “treatment locators” to find community mental health resources near you.
- Tricare Counseling – www.tricare.mil. The web-based TRICARE information system will help direct Tricare clients to providers.
- Vet Centers – www.vetcenter.va.gov. Vet Centers offer a wide range of services to help you make a successful transition from military to civilian life. Services include -individual & group counseling, marital and family counseling, bereavement counseling, medical & benefits referrals, employment counseling. To locate the Vet Center nearest you, click on “find a vet center” in the right hand menu.
- Vets 4 Warriors – www.vetsforwarriors.com/ This is a PEER SUPPORT line and not answered by a mental health therapist. The hotline is available 24/7/365 can be reached by calling 1-855-838-8255.
- Zoc Doc – http://www.zocdoc.com/. Zoc Doc is ZocDoc is a free service that allows patients to book doctor appointments online. It is not available in all states and/or all zip codes, but may be a helpful resource for those seeking to locate a doctor.