NEW! BraveHearts Therapeutic Riding for Veterans Brave Hearts Riding The Brave HEART Program differs from other therapeutic riding programs for Veterans because it involves both the Military member, and the family. During their time at the farm, families spend quality time in the outdoors doing a variety of activities. From horseback riding to arts & crafts, the emphasis is on the family and strengthening bonds between family members. These experiences enhance the therapeutic process by bringing everyone together in a low-stress environment.
Illinois Veteran Affairs This is the home page for the Illinois Dept. of Veterans’ Affairs and offers veterans assistance in navigating the benefits available as well as identifying other resources.
Operation Home Front This is a one stop shop for Illinois military and families seeking assistance and linking agencies and organizations to the needs of military, vets and families.
The Soldiers Project – A group of licensed mental health professionals who offer FREE psychological treatment to military service members (active duty, National Guard, Reserve and veterans) who have served or expect to serve in the conflicts in Iraq or Afghanistan.