Donating To This Foundation
VFU is a All-volunteer organization. Financial resources are needed and used to support our initiatives in assisting Veterans and their Families to become empowered in the healing process. Currently, we have 4 opportunities for donations:
1) One-time small transportation voucher for emergency veteran/family needs of $25.00 and bus passes for the Veterans’ Diversion Program of OK County. 100% of Memorial/Tribute funds are used for this project. See “Memorial Donation Instructions” below.
2) Weekend healing retreats for family care-givers of severely wounded warriors.
3) Operating costs like domain/web fees, supplies, postage, printing of materials, etc.
4) A long-term private healing facility for veterans The REST House Proposal
Please see About Us if you have questions about our mission, vision and goals. Our Board of Directors and their qualifications are also listed.
Additionally, Veterans’ Families United Foundation has been approved for 501.c.3 status as a non-profit organization and donations are tax deductible as a charitable contribution. Our federal tax ID is #20-8877536.
Memorial Donation Instructions
To make a donation in the name of a veteran, please follow below:
1) Make a donation on Pay Pal or send a check to our PO Box (both are in the left margin)
2) Go to the VFU Contact form by Clicking Here and send us the Name, Branch of Service, and Memorial/Tribute words that you would like added to our “Memorial/Tribute” Page.
3) You will receive confirmation of the receipt of your donation, which are 100% tax deductible, and the name of the veteran you honor will be listed on our Memorial Tribute page within a week of the donation.
Private and Organizational Donations
*Proud recipient of the 2007 “Barbara Thompson Gift” from American Mothers, Inc. Funding by Ralph G. Thompson, Senior United States District Judge (Oklahoma), in honor of his wife Barbara 1995 National Mother of the Year, and her dedication to God, Family and Country.
Proud recipient of a Thunderbird Chapter of the Association of the United States Army (AUSA) Oklahoma-donation, November, 2009.
Proud recipient of VFU Brochure Printing donated by Classic Printing of Oklahoma City, Owner and Vietnam Veteran, Ron Harper who continues to serve America and fellow veterans November, 2009.
Proud recipient of the UCO (University of Central Oklahoma) chapter of Kappa Sigma who made VFU the recipient of their spring fundraiser, 2011. We are grateful to the young men of this fraternity who actively supported our military and families!
Proud recipient of VIP Hosting of Oklahoma City, for their donation of time and talents to the recent conversion of our website and especially to Joe Steadman (former airman), who continues to volunteer his expertise to our efforts. 2011.
Proud recipient of the Converse Elementary School Veteran’s Day Fundraising Event, Converse, Indiana. Thank you to the students of Converse for collecting money and for their note that said, “We are grateful for all our soldiers do for us”. November, 2011.
VFU sends a heartfelt gratitude to the Cedar Creek Corrections Center Donation Inmate Fund, Littlerock Washington. We are deeply touched by generous hearts who contributed. March, 2012.
***Proud recipient of GW Utility Construction Company of OKC 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 Bass Fishing Tournament Proceeds and their ongoing generosity on behalf of veterans and their families and the 2014 resources to reprint “The Endless Journey Home” for free distribution to veterans and families, retreats for families of veterans and donating the 2015 publication of “They Were Families” to those in need.
Proud recipient of the Sandridge Energy Company Christmas Tree Decoration Contest, December, 2013.
Proud recipient of donations made by Generator Tech in Scotia, NY, 2014-2015.
Proud recipient of their “Causes” initiatives and donations from the Larry Dumas Insurance Company of OK, 2015.
Memorial Donations
If you would like to donate on behalf of a veteran/loved one, you may make the donation on Pay Pal by clicking on the Pay Pal button on this page, or you may mail your donation to our P.O. Box also listed on this link. Then please send us a message regarding your memorial tribute, telling us the name of the memorialized and any special information you would like to be added by clicking here. Our web site is updated quarterly, although we attempt to update memorials monthly.
Employer Matching Donations
Many companies have programs that permit employees to donate to charities of their choice, and for the company to match the employees’ contribution. Please check with your employer to see if there is a matching gift program for employees. Normally, employees provide proof to their employer of their contribution, and the company contacts Veterans’ Families United Foundation, requesting that we complete a matching gift form they provide.