Veterans’ Families United Upcoming Workshops, Retreats and Events

Find our most current events on “Facebook” and ongoing projects and efforts listed on this page.

  • We are now on facebook. Come and join us.
  • Join us for our 3rd annual Resource Speed Sharing Event in Oklahoma City, on Sept. 26, 2014.  See “Save the Date” and “Speed Sharing Registration Form” for details.
  • Fall Family Retreat 2013 – November 15-17, 2013;
    VFU welcomes you to attend a weekend away to better understand your loved one’s trauma, and be understood. Through community, you will be comforted, supported and allowed a voice, developing deep connections with others who are in very similar situations. For more information, see Fall Family Retreat 2013 and registration form.
  • Ma lama NA KOA “Care for the Warriors” Veterans Conference, March 15, 2013; Hilo, Hawaii.  Speakers include Stephanie Mines, Ph.D., founding member of VFU and author of Domestic Violence and Military.  For more information, see “Care for the Warriors Conference – March, 2013”Care for the Warriors” Veterans Conference, March 15, 2013; Hilo, Hawaii.  Speakers include Stephanie Mines, Ph.D., founding member of VFU and author of Domestic Violence and Military.
  • Osage Retreat Veterans Retreat, April 5, 6 and 7, 2013;
    This retreat will be facilitated by Kate Dahlstedt, MA, LMHC and co-director of “A Soldier’s Heart” and is an offering of Veterans’ Families United, Dr. Connie Fox, Yoga Warrior Instructor and the OK Healing Touch Community. For more information, see “Osage Retreat 2013“.
  • The Rest House
  • The REST House Proposal

Veterans’ Families United Foundation has developed a Service Project Proposal for “The REST House” (Readjustment Environment and Service Transition).

This project is designed as a test/model that operates on the premise that PREVENTION and INTERVENTION for service members who present with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and other related mental health problems after they return from active duty, is more honoring, hope filled and ultimately more cost effective than a lifetime of disability.

The current project calls for a live-in environment (slated for Oklahoma City, OK) for a small population of returning psychologically challenged veterans. It includes a phased and heavily researched alternative approach to reintegrating back into society.

If you or a veteran family member are interested in knowing more about the project, please contact us.

All financial resources for this research based project are PRIVATE. If you are interested in contributing to this Service Project and/or would like a copy of the proposal to review, please contact us.

It is our philosophy that the legacy of war, untreated, continues to perpetuate disease in our homes, our communities and our country. Untreated trauma is pervasive and debilitating for our veterans and their family members. The development and implementation of The REST House can provide research that may propel us into a deeper understanding of the true cost of war and help create accessible, gentle and unbiased options for healing to our wounded warriors and their families.

Contact us if you have questions or ideas.



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