Eagle Rock Camp Retreats – http://www.eaglerockcamp.org/ Retreats designed for veterans and families at no cost.
Dryhootch – www.dryhootch.org This is a Wisconsin based organization that lists a variety of support and care for veterans and families in the area. Some of the links are very full of information and others are still in the process, but there is some helpful info available.
Veteran DD-214’s available on-line. The Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs has implemented two enhancements to the Veterans Benefits and Application Tracking System (VBATS). The first enables CVSO’s and their authorized staff to view and print scanned DD214s of veterans, including veterans who are not in their resident county. The second enhancement enables veterans with approved state eligibility and VBATS access to view their own scanned DD214s.
In order to start the eligibility process, a veteran should contact his or her County Veterans Service Officer.
Log into VBATS (https://services.dva.state.wi.us/WDVALogin.aspx).
Confirm the contact information and click “Continue.”
If a DD214 is available for viewing, the veteran will see a Discharge Document listing near the bottom of the Veteran Information section.
Click the “View PDF” link.
To print the DD214, right-click the image and then click “Print” from the menu.
Wisconsin Easter Seals Camp Aug. 2012 for children of military families who have been or will soon be deployed.
Vets Journey Home – www.vetsjourneyhome.org. A weekend healing process for veterans lead by veterans offering compassion and healing by welcoming veterans
Volunteers of America – https://www.voamnwi.org/contact
Volunteers of America of Minnesota and Wisconsin was founded in Minnesota in 1896 and Wisconsin in 1929. We offer more than 60 services to help veterans, vulnerable children, adolescents, families, older adults, students, persons with disabilities and special needs, and people seeking a second chance ex-offenders. Services: Rehabilitative and Veterans Services, Housing, Community Family Supports, Community Justice, Community Services for Seniors
Education, Mental Health Services, Residential Treatment, Service Enriched Housing, Services for People with Special Needs, Older Adult Services, Residential Care, Youth Residential Services.