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War Related Clinician/Community Resources
- ARMY ONE SOURCE: Treating the Invisible Wounds of War ASO Referral Code: AOSEOK21 This includes curriculum designed to assist clinicians in treating invisible wounds of war.
- Behavioral Health Issues Among Afghanistan and Iraq U.S. War Veterans – This FREE brief, introduces some of the behavioral health problems facing veterans who have served in Afghanistan and Iraq, including substance abuse, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and suicide. Also discusses screening tools and intervention.
- Community Provider Toolkit – new website features key tools to support the community mental health services provided to Veterans. Information on connecting with VA, understanding military culture and experience, as well as tools for working with a variety of mental health conditions.
- From the War Zone to the Home Front Mass. General Hospital Dept. of Psychiatry offers new broadcasts to assist clinicians in supporting veterans and families. Subject matter may include family dynamics to understanding mild TBI.
- Suicide Risk Factors and Assessment Tools: A Systematic Review (March, 2012) The objective of this report is to review recent evidence about risk factors and risk assessment tools within Veteran and military populations to provide evidence for clinical practice guideline development specific to these populations.
- Virtual Reality Medical Center – For the past 10 years, The Virtual Reality Medical Center (VRMC) has been using simulation technologies in three main areas: 1) treating patients with anxiety disorders, 2) training for both military and civilian populations, and 3) enhancing various educational programs. With U.S. offices in San Diego, West Los Angeles, Palo Alto, California and an office and manufacturing facility in Orlando, Florida, VRMC is a world leader in applying virtual reality technology in combination with physiological monitoring and feedback for training, therapy, and emerging applications. We are also focused on developing a comprehensive protocol to address an array of needs for military personnel and civilian first responders as well as emerging technologies for various security and intelligence operations.
- NEW! Zoc Doc – A link that can help identify therapists and counselors in your area.
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