Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms and Resources

The following provides a link to a small e-booklet sharing the personal account of Spc. Joe Collins, USAR who served in Iraq from 03-04.

Other resources have also been provided.


Download the PTSD booklet here

View video segments of 3 Veterans who are VFU Board Members, from 3 wars talking about their experiences with PTSD

Free mobile apps for PTSD, TBI and anger

Brief PTSD Overview – 2014


Seek a qualified clinician who can determine the correct diagnosis.  Use the brief checklist below that may help you identify issues.  For a list of qualified counselors available, including those who will offer their services at no charge, visit

Physical Symptoms

Stomach problems
Changes in breathing patterns (i.e. shortness of breath)
Lack of energy OR
Sometimes being very active and over-energetic
Feeling of emotional pain that you have never felt before
Anxiety problems
Hyper vigilance (always on alert)

Psychological Symptoms

Mood swings
Memory problems
Addiction/Self Medication
Loss of personal hygiene/housekeeping
Risk taking behavior
Depression (thinking “what’s the point”)
Paranoid thoughts

Sleep Problems

Insomnia (not being able to fall asleep or stay asleep)
Having nightmares
Waking up covered in sweat
Kicking during sleep
Constantly waking up and falling back asleep, possibly due to bad dreams
Waking up and being easily startled and/or being confused about where you are
Irregular sleep cycles





Disclaimer: Veterans’ Families United Foundation does not guarantee results or outcome of the information provided in any of its materials.

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