- America’s Job Bank – www.ajb.org. This U.S. Dept. of Labor web site lists jobs available in your state and offers help in building an on-line resume that can be sent to prospective employers listed in the job bank.
- DAV Employment Services – https://www.dav.org/veterans/employment-resources/ – DAV is also a leader in connecting veterans with meaningful employment, hosting job fairs and providing resources to ensure they have the opportunity to participate in the American Dream their sacrifices have made possible.
- Dog Tag Inc. – https://www.dogtaginc.org/ Dog Tag Inc. (DTI) empowers service-disabled veterans, military spouses, and caregivers to discover personal and professional fulfillment in the civilian world through an innovative business and entrepreneurship fellowship program.
- Employer Support of Guard and Reserve – www.esgr.org. This web site explains the help for returning Reservist and Guardsmen who may be having employment disputes and/or are looking for civilian employers who support our Guard and Reserve. It also has a link to Ombudsmen. This is a group that helps resolve disputes or answers questions about employment related problems for Reservist or Guardsmen.
- Feds Hire Vets – https://www.fedshirevets.gov/job/ On November 9, 2009, President Barack Obama signed Executive Order 13518, Employment of Veterans in the Federal Government, which establishes the Veterans Employment Initiative. The Initiative is a strategic, yet very straightforward, approach to helping the men and women who have served our country in the military find employment in the Federal Government.
- Hero 2 Hired – www.H2H.jobs Hero 2 Hired includes easy access to career assessments, searching for available jobs by city/state, finding out about education and resources. Launched in Dec. 2011, this website is full of helpful tools and tips for veterans.a
- Hirepurpose – https://hirepurpose.com/ – Where America’s top companies find America’s top talent. Veteran owned and operated.
- Job Opportunities for Disabled Veterans – www.JOFDAV.com. This site is full of information for disabled vets, from tips to seeking jobs, to actual job postings. This may be of great benefit to unemployed disabled vets.
- Mission Continues – http://www.missioncontinues.org/ The Mission Continues awards community service fellowships to post-9/11 veterans, empowering them to transform their own lives by serving others and directly impacting their communities. Mission Continues Fellows serve for six months at a local nonprofit organization addressing key educational, environmental or social issues. Each Fellow works to achieve one of three outcomes at the conclusion of the fellowship: full-time employment, pursuit of higher education or a permanent role of service.
- REAch Program (Resource Exchange Association) – “REAch” is a national program created by Mr. Shepherd to provide free fully loaded toolboxes to wounded veterans who incurred service – connected wounds, injuries, or illnesses on or after September 11, 2001. The primary goal of this gifts-in- kind corporate donation program is to aid and assist Wounded Veterans. Sign up for a carpentar’s tool box on this link .https://reainc.org/
- Sandboxx – Navigate your military career with confidence, and keep your loved ones connected with Sandboxx. From recruitment to retirement, Sandboxx supports you through your journey – giving you access to career content, lifestyle utilities, and more. https://www.sandboxx.us/
- Team Rubicon – www.teamrubiconusa.org Hundreds of US military veterans, many returning home after fighting ten years of war, find a renewed sense of purpose for their skills and experiences through TR, a volunteer disaster relief organization. To apply, go to “Our Mission” and click on “volunteer application” in the right hand menu.
- TEAMS Workshops – https://www.dol.gov/agencies/vets/programs/tap/teams-workshops?fbclid=IwAR3MsNPYhEMl2qBmiptThxnskbuHZgwPwNfJqG0pgBuQSJTfPubUnUkesUA –
Transition Employment Assistance for Military Spouses and Caregivers (TEAMS) is a series of Department of Labor (DOL) employment workshops that extend the Department’s Transition Assistance Program to assist military spouses and caregivers as they plan and prepare for their job search in pursuit of their employment goals. - USA Jobs – www.usajobs.gov This is the official web site for government jobs. There is a link specifically for veterans.
- Veterans Employment Toolkit http://www.va.gov/vetsinworkplace/ This is a comprehensive VA and National Center for PTSD effort for both employers and veteran employees. For veterans, there is a link to “resources” and “resources for veterans” that may have helpful tools in obtaining employment.
- Veteran Owned Business This website includes a listing of veteran owned businesses across the US. It is a large directory of resources and may require some time to navigate, and also may alert veterans to connections that may be helpful. https://www.veteranownedbusiness.com/
- Vet Power http://vetpower.org/ VET-POWER.COM is an organization that is designed to help our Veterans to readjust back into civilian workplace with Education, Training, Coaching, Interviewing skills and connection to the 9 nine Universities who provide Free Entrepreneurial studies program that are one year in length.
- Warrior Rising warriorrising.org
Warrior Rising focuses on the individual vetrepreneur starting by helping veterans identify their needs at a given stage in their business development. Next, they assess the obstacles veterans are facing and give recommendations on a sound course of action to pursue to overcome them. Whether it is instruction, mentoring, access to funding opportunities, or reconnecting to the sense of community that existed in the military, they ensure that our veterans are not walking the path to success alone or in the dark.
- 1-877-743-8237 sign up for an application or get help to walk through the application for help-to-work.
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