Looking for caregiver resources? Our Veterans-focused platform offers top-notch support and advice for those caring for loved ones. Empower yourself today and explore our resources!

  • Caregiver Action Network http://caregiveraction.org/tech/caregiver Specific ideas to help caregivers and tools for safety, care, medications and other resources.
  • Caregivers on the Home Front – http://caregivers-homefront.org/  The mission of Caregivers on the Home Front Inc., is to provide caregivers of our nation’s veterans and first responders with hopefulness, a sense of togetherness, and a firm foundation of resiliency.
  • Caregiver Support – www.caregiver.va.gov   VA’s website dedicated to family caregivers of Veterans. It can be an incredibly demanding job, and we want you to know you don’t have to do it alone. There is a caregiver toolbox and links to find help near home and additional resources.
  • Caregiving.comCaregiving.com – is committed to engaging and empowering family caregivers worldwide via a multi-faceted support model delivered through our leading-edge platform. We strive to inspire a sense of community that engages and supports caregivers in building resilience and sustainability as they navigate their caregiving journey. Likewise, we aim to be a safe, accessible space for all family caregivers to find comfort, support, and advice.
  • Cigna Stress Management Toolket –  cigna.com Stress is a fact of life. It’s your mind’s and body’s response to demanding situations or events. Not all stress is bad. It can energize you and help you perform at your best. But too much stress, or stress that lasts too long, can take a toll.  This link will connect with with podcasts and audio versions of mindfulness exercises to help relieve stress.
  • CO-OP Survivalhttps://co-opsurvival.com/ CO-OP Survival strives to bring Veteran caregivers together to eliminate isolation, support family transitions, encourage career goals, and build a community of support.
  • Easter Seals Military and Veteran Caregiver link http://www.easterseals.com/explore-resources/for-caregivers/military-caregiving-education.html – Hour-long on-demand educational sessions for all military caregivers, providing tips and tools on topics including depression, childcare, intimacy, hearing loss, caregiver self-care and home safety. Select webinars are available in Spanish.
  • Exceptional Lives https://exceptionallives.org/ Find resources and easy-to-read information for parents and caregivers of children and young adults with disabilities.
  • Families Anonymous – www.familiesanonymous.org  FA is not drug, alcohol, or behavior specific. Members focus on themselves—on their recovery from codependency and on changing any of their attitudes and behaviors (e.g., denial, enabling, rescuing, controlling, manipulating, and a whole range of other crippling actions and emotions) that prevent their own recovery and that of their addicted loved ones.
  • Give An Hour – www.giveanhour.org.  A non-profit organization offering FREE mental health resources for military and families affected by the current conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan.
  • Hearts of Valor www.heartsofvalor.org Hearts of ValorTM seeks to honor the service and sacrifice of the women who care for our nation’s wounded, ill or injured warriors by providing a community of support based on a foundation of empathy and mutual understanding.  Hearts of Valor is a network of people caring for wounded, ill or injured service members, created and maintained by Operation Homefront.

  • Healing Household 6 https://healinghousehold6.org/about/ Healing Household 6 is unique in that their focus is the partners/children who are victims of domestic violence.  They offer mental health, intervention support and resources.  Review their programs for specific information and how to obtain their support.
  • Hidden Hero’s Help Fundhttps://hiddenheroes.org/news/hopefund/ These Financial Emergency Funds are available for Caregivers. Caregivers must first join the Hidden Heroes network of the Elizabeth Dole Foundation. https://elizabethdolefoundation.communityforce.com/Funds/FundDetails.aspx?496F49596D593768464E3537506B6F754D5442315A776C30355151524E54704E366265705A655861414A51666D6452747466634173316C58397A314E6D594D36577A4369456644723048383D
  • Hope for the Warriors – https://www.hopeforthewarriors.org/transition/military-spouse-scholarships/ The Spouse/Caregiver Scholarship Program identifies, recognizes, and rewards post-9/11 spouses/caregivers for their strength, fidelity, and resolve despite adversity. Scholarships aid in continued education at a reputable, accredited university, college, or trade school for spouses/caregivers as they assume critical roles in the financial well being of their families.
  • Independence Fund http://independencefund.org/ The Independence Fund’s mission is to empower our severely wounded Veterans and their Caregivers to take control of their lives. They provide the resources and tools that enable Veterans to regain their independence, and fight for their ability to sustain it.
  • Lots of Helping Hands www.lotsahelpinghands.com Connecting people through the power of community — whether you need help or you want to provide help. You may be caring for an ill loved one, an aging parent, a child with special needs or a veteran. You may want to volunteer to help a friend or others in your neighborhood. However you define help — this is your home.
  • No Barriers USA https://nobarriersusa.org/  Once on the homepage, select Focus Areas, then select Caregivers.  There, you will find two tabs, one explaining how they support veteran caregivers and the other will be a list of retreats and applications to them.  This CO based organization is timely in their response and support.
  • Operation Heal our Patriots https://www.samaritanspurse.org/education-2/ohop-application/ Operation Heal Our Patriots gives wounded veterans and their spouses the opportunity for spiritual refreshment, physical renewal, and marriage enrichment. Couples participate in Biblically based seminars that help strengthen their relationships with God and others and enjoy the beauty of God’s creation with outdoor activities at our Alaskan wilderness lodge.
  • Powerful Tools for Caregivers www.powerfultoolsforcaregivers.org
    This organization has some excellent tools for caregivers.  While it may seem geared toward the aging, the materials available offer excellent insight into self care.  Use the “contact” button to ask questions about materials that could be targeted to the special needs of your situation.
  • Project Sanctuary – https://projectsanctuary.us/ This is a FAMILY retreat for warriors with PTSD that has been operating since 2007.  Project Sanctuary helps military families thrive with six-day, therapeutic retreats and an additional two years of family support services. Their evidenced-based program is the only program that treats the entire family, helping veterans, spouses, caregivers, and kids heal together.  Retreats require $100. deposit to be returned if attendance is fulfilled, otherwise it is at no cost.
  • Psych Armor – Find out about a custom binder called “A Caregiver’s Experience” to provide a central place for all important documents and details.  Call 1-844-779-2427 for more information.
  • Semper Fi Fund –  semperfifund.org offers caregiver retreats, kids camps and other essential resources for veterans and their families.
  • Share the Care  https://sharethecare.org/  Share the Care is a concept in a book for purchase that describes ways to reach out to one another and share the care.
  • TEAMS Workshopshttps://www.dol.gov/agencies/vets/programs/tap/teams-workshops?fbclid=IwAR3MsNPYhEMl2qBmiptThxnskbuHZgwPwNfJqG0pgBuQSJTfPubUnUkesUA
    Transition Employment Assistance for Military Spouses and Caregivers (TEAMS) is a series of Department of Labor (DOL) employment workshops that extend the Department’s Transition Assistance Program to assist military spouses and caregivers as they plan and prepare for their job search in pursuit of their employment goals.
  • The Gary Sinese Foundation – https://www.garysinisefoundation.org/rise/  At At the Gary Sinise Foundation, they serve our nation by honoring our defenders, veterans, first responders, their families, and those in need.  See the many programs they have for veterans and first responders.
  • Tracking Devices for the Sick and/or Elderly  – Personal emergency response systems
    Medical alert medicalalert.com 800-800-2537
    Mobile help mobilehelp.com 800-992-0616Sensor monitoring Be Close Click here 866-574-1784
  • Traumatic Brain Injury Center of Excellence – https://health.mil/About-MHS/OASDHA/Defense-Health-Agency/Research-and-Development/Traumatic-Brain-Injury-Center-of-Excellence As the TBI Pathway of Care manager within the MHS, the Traumatic Brain Injury Center of Excellence promotes state-of-the-science care from point-of-injury to reintegration for service members, veterans, and their families to prevent and mitigate consequences of mild to severe TBI.
  • Veteran Caregiver https://veterancaregiver.com/ As a veteran or a Caregiver of a veteran or service member, your life may be altered by injury, illness, or aging. If you’re feeling isolated or alone, want or need people around you who “get it”, and you’d benefit from networking with peers and professionals, community health and recovery resources, you’ve come to the right place. Caregiver Peer Support is remarkable and valued and helping or receiving help can come at just the right time to make a difference.
  • Vets 4 Warriors – https://www.vets4warriors.com/  immediate peer intervention for military, veterans or families via phone, internet, etc  They serve the entire military community, including anyone who has ever worn the uniform, as well as the family members and the caregivers who love and support them.
  • Warrior Care comprehensive resource directory for caregivershttps://warriorcare.dodlive.mil/
  • Wounded Veteran Family Care – https://woundedveteranfamilycare.org/ – We fill a gap in support for caregivers who provide daily, substantial care for their wounded veteran and their families. Our Wounded Veteran Family Care Program (WVFCP) works hand in hand with coordinating agencies to remove barriers by providing advocacy and support to caregivers negotiating benefits, including PCAFC benefits.

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