Azimuth Check Foundation Azimuth Check Foundation of New England (ACFNE) helps active duty military, veterans, and first responders with disabilities by providing challenging year-round athletic activities. They directly sponsor and lend support to a number of events throughout the Northern New England region. All of the events provide an opportunity to show support for and raise money to support our warriors and their families.

Hero Dogs Hero Dogs, Inc. is a Maryland 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation whose purpose is to train and place service dogs with military veterans who have been injured and/or disabled while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces.

Lighthouse, Inc. A non profit family counseling agency that can provide family counseling to veterans and their families in the Baltimore area. They are able to also provide neurofeedback services to veterans and military personnel (see “wellness resources” on our site to find out more about neurofeedback). Contact Susan Fetcho at 410-788-5483 for more information.  

Operation Homecoming In 2012, Operation Homecoming writing workshops will take place as part of a formal medical protocol to help heal service members at the National Intrepid Center of Excellence (NICoE) at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. Over a year-long pilot phase, Operation Homecoming at the NICoE will consist of two elements: an expressive writing workshop for troops as part of their clinical rehabilitation, and a more informal four-week creative writing and storytelling series for service members and their families at the Fisher House, the residence for families and patients at Walter Reed. (We could not install a web link to this program.  Please input the program name as listed for further information)

Operation Purple® Camp – National Military Family Association – Operation Purple® Camp offers military kids a free week of camp where they connect with other kids, just like them. Children from all uniformed services, including National Guard, Reserve, Space Force, and the Commissioned Corps of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and United States Public Health Service may apply.

Project Sanctuary  Project Sanctuary helps military families thrive with six-day, therapeutic retreats and an additional two years of family support services. Their evidenced-based program is the only program that treats the entire family, helping veterans, spouses, caregivers, and kids heal together.

Vets Journey Home  A weekend healing process for veterans lead by veterans offering compassion and healing by welcoming veterans home. See You Tube video for more information

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